Zakaj kupiti kozmetične izdelke z oznako CosmEthically ACTIVE? {Why choose CosmEthically ACTIVE products?}

CosmEthically ACTIVE uvaja povsem nov koncept certificiranja naravnih kozmetičnih izdelkov, saj poleg tega, da preverja, če so v izdelkih naravne sestavine ali izvor le teh, meri tudi kozmetično aktivnost in učinkovitost izdelka. Posamezne naravne sestavine ocenijo in identificirajo ter izmerijo njihovo koncentracijo, ki mora biti tolikšna, da je izdelek učinkovit. {CosmEthically ACTIVE is a completely new approach to certifying cosmetic products. It doesn’t just take the natural origin of ingredients into account — it also evaluates the concentration of cosmetically active ingredients and the efficacy of the product. The concentrations of natural ingredients are measured and the results must guarantee that the product is effective.}

Naravni in ekološki {Natural and Eco-friendly}

Za pridobitev CosmEthically ACTIVE certifikata je proizvajalcu dovoljena le uporaba kozmetičnih sestavin, ki so sprejemljiva tako z fiziološkega kot tudi ekološkega vidika. V izdelkih tako niso dovoljeni: sintetični polimeri (plastika), nanodelci, GMO, umetne dišave, mineralna olja, silikoni, parafini … {To obtain the CosmEthically ACTIVE Certificate a product must contain only ingredients that are both physiologically and ecologically acceptable. While the origin of these ingredients can be natural or synthetic, they must meet these requirements. Synthetic polymers, GMOs, artificial aromas, mineral oils, silicone and paraffin are prohibited.}

madres-naravna kozmetika

Učinkoviti {Effective}

Če kupite izdelek z oznako CA, ste lahko prepričani, da ste kupili vrhunski in kakovosten izdelek aktivne kozmetike, ki temelji na naravnih potrebah kože. Izdelek bo izpolnil pričakovanja, ki jih proizvajalec obljublja, saj so posamezne kozmetične sestavine v izdelku dozirane v koncentraciji, ki je varna, učinkovita in aktivna. Z oznako CosmEthically ACTIVE ste kot potrošnik zaščiteni pred praznimi in zavajajočimi oglaševalskimi trditvami. {When you buy a product bearing the CA mark you can be sure that you’ve got your hands on a high-quality, active cosmetic product that is based on the natural needs of your skin and will fulfil the promises of the manufacturer. The high concentration of the individual ingredients ensures the product is safe, effective and active. The CosmEthically ACTIVE certificate makes you safe from empty and misleading statements made by cosmetics manufacturers in their ads.}

Varni {Safe}

Za pridobitev certifikata so v izdelku dovoljene so samo kozmetične sestavine, ki so znanstveno sprejete kot varne za uporabo v kozmetiki in v skladu z veljavnimi kozmetičnimi predpisi. Njihova učinkovitost in varnost temelji na znanstvenih dokazih. {Only ingredients that are scientifically proven to be safe for use in cosmetics can obtain the certificate. Their effectiveness and safety are based on scientific evidence.}

Etični in ekološki {Ethical and Ecological}

Kozmetični izdelek ne sme biti testiran na živalih. Kozmetične sestavine pa morajo imeti visoko stopnjo biorazgradljivosti. {The cosmetic products shouldn’t be tested on animals and their ingredients need to have a high degree of biodegradability.}

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